U. S. Transportation Secretary Slater Announces $31.1 Million in Grants To Help Make Communities More Livable

Contact: Jim Pinkelman
Tel.: 202-366-0660
FHWA 17-00
U.S. Transportation Secretary Rodney E. Slater today announced that 84 projects totaling $31.1 million will receive Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funding under an innovative initiative called the Transportation and Community and System Preservation Pilot Program (TCSP), a key component of the Clinton Administration's livability agenda.
"President Clinton and Vice President Gore are committed to helping make America's communities more livable by preserving green space, easing traffic congestion and employing smart growth strategies," Secretary Slater said. "In partnership with communities throughout America and through investments like these, we can protect our environment while growing our economy."
Vice President Gore in January 1999 launched a comprehensive agenda to strengthen the government's role as a partner with state and local efforts to build livable communities for the 21st century. TCSP is an initiative consisting of grants and research that will assist communities as they work to solve interrelated problems involving transportation, land development, environmental protection, public safety and economic development. It was established in the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), the six-year surface transportation law signed into law by President Clinton on June 9, 1998.
TCSP funds are used to help achieve locally determined goals such as improving transportation efficiency; reducing the negative effects of transportation on the environment; providing better access to jobs, services and trade centers; reducing the need for costly future infrastructure; and revitalizing underdeveloped and brownfield sites. Grants also can be used to examine urban development patterns and create strategies that encourage private companies to work toward these goals in designing new developments.
The 84 projects were selected from a pool of 327 applications, evaluated by a multi-disciplinary panel from the department's Federal Highway, Federal Transit and Research and Special Programs Administrations and the Environmental Protection Agency.
TEA-21 authorized $25 million for the TCSP program in FY2001. As a key transportation component of its livability agenda, the Clinton Administration has requested an additional $25 million for the TCSP program for fiscal 2001 in response to overwhelming interest from communities around the country. Since its passage, more than $53 million in TCSP grants have been made across the country.
"TCSP is an exciting and innovative program that recognizes the close link between transportation and the environment, as well as the importance of overall development for a community," Secretary Slater said. "It upholds the commitment by the Clinton administration to put people first."
Following is a list of the grants by state, showing the community, the amount received, and a brief description or title of the project.
Alabama Department of Transportation Statewide Dock Inventory Assessment: $348,400
Florence: pedestrian and other transportation improvements: $871,000
Anchorage: Ship Creek redevelopment and port access planning: $435,500
Fairbanks: Riverwalk Centennial Bridge community connector project: $871,000
Regional Growing Smarter Implementation Plan: $295,000
Jonesboro -Caraway Road Rail Realignment and Overpass Construction Safety Enhancement: $200,000
Little Rock - Rural Traffic Shed Management System: $150,000
River Market/College Station: livable communities: $653,250
Berkeley - Ed Roberts Campus: $300,000
Creating Transportation Options in the San Joaquin Valley Through Improved Land Use Patterns: $230,059
Pilot Test of Transferable Regional / Local PLACE3S Method & Analytical Tool for California and National Uses: $180,000
Riverside County: Community and Environmental Transportation Acceptability Program: $435,500
San Francisco: Civic Center Plaza: $936,325
Denver Union Station Work and Entertainment Connection: $175,000
Denver: 16th Street Pedestrian Improvements: $435,500
Estes Valley Transportation Alternatives Feasibility Study: $225,000
City of New Haven: trolley cars: $217,750
Tomorrow's Downtown, Beacon Falls: $225,000
Centreville Village Plan (New Castle County): $100,000
District of Columbia
Howard University/LeDroit Park Infrastructure Project: $500,000
Pennsylvania Avenue traffic mitigation measures: $435,500
Coordinated Linear Infrastructure Projects B CLIPS (Hillsborough River Greenway): $120,000
St. Lucie County - Alternative Land Use Assessment: $150,000
St. Lucie County - Teenagers, Transportation Planners and Residents Team Together to Tackle the Treasure Coast Transportation Plan: $117,000
Livable Communities Planning Model - Athens to Atlanta Multimodal Transportation Corridors: $150,000
Livable Waikiki: Linking Transportation, Land Use, And Environment: $300,000
Highway 41/Rathdrum Prairie Land Use Integration Study/Master Plan (Kootenai County): $104,000
A Sustainable Transportation and Land Use Plan for the Route 47 Kishwaukee River Corridor Developedwith a Watershed-based Approach through Community Consensus (McHenry County): $198,500
DuPage County transportation alternatives development: $653,250
Livable Communities are Edge Growth:The Greater Madison County I-69 Corridor Preservation Initiative: $500,000
Muncie community connectors: $217,750
The Hoeven Valley Transportation Systems and Community Sustainability Initiative (Sioux City): $175,000
Marysville Grade Separation Impact Study: $70,000
Community and Transportation System Plan for Southern Versailles: $85,000
International Technology Center: An Integrated "Hub and Spoke" Transportation and Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy (Shreveport): $225,000
River Parishes Transit Authority Transportation Coordination Plan (St. Charles, St. James, St John the Baptist): $143,000
Statewide Service Center Revitalization through Integrated Public Investments: $150,000
Land Use Implications of Projects B A Smart Growth Assessment for the I-270 Corridor (Frederick & Montgomery Counties): $200,000
Metrowest regional transportation study: $217,750
Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods Initiative (Springfield & Pioneer Valley): $171,000
Northwest Michigan transportation use initiative: $108,875
Minneapolis - Making the Connection- Lowry Corridor: $310,000
Jackson: Pearl River Airport Connector Study: $871,000
St Louis - Initiative for a Metropolitan Community: $300,000
Kalispell: Bus Barn Facility: $348,400
Omaha: 'Back to the River' community project and pedestrian access: $1,742,000
Clark County: Desert Research Institute Air Quality Study: $435,500
New Hampshire
Concord: '20/20 Vision' small community planning guide: $348,400
New Jersey
Monmouth County: pedestrian improvements: $261,300
Montclair: connection transit livable communities: $217,750
North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority: $696,800
South Amboy: regional multimodal transportation initiative: $217,750
New Mexico
Albuquerque Downtown Transportation Management Program $522,600
Raton: historic rehabilitation project: $522,600
Santa Fe/ Solana Neighborhood Center B A model for growth without Sprawl: $200,000
New York
Hamilton Arterial Access Management, Local Street Network and Land Development Interface Plan: $80,000
New Rochelle: intermodal center: $435,500
White Plains: Transcenter pedestrian improvements: $871,000
North Carolina
Comprehensive Transportation Study: Town of Bethania: $150,000
North Dakota
Standing Rock Sioux -Tribal Roads Management System: $143,891
Cleveland - Restoring Urban Livability: Neighborhood Solutions to Intrusive Commuter Traffic: $259,000
The OKC Water Transportation System (OWTS), in the Enterprise Community of the City of Oklahoma City: $178,000
Oregon Telecommunity Center Project B A Replicable Model for Sustainable Rural Communities: $125,000
State of Oregon TCSP Program: $435,500
The 1-99 Corridor Community and System Preservation Initiative (Bedford, Blair, Centre, Huntingdon Counties): $200,000
York Township - Innovation Through Sustainable Transportation And Land Use: $185,000
Rhode Island
City of Warwick: Station Redevelopment Planning: $261,300
South Carolina
South Carolina Integrated Infrastructure Planning, Model Plan and Process: $423,000
South Dakota
Phillips to the Falls - Urban Core Redevelopment Project: $125,000
Knoxville: electric transit project: $435,500
Fort Worth: corridor redevelopment and transit linkages: $1,306,500
Houston: Main Street corridor livable communities: $435,500
Lufkin: Small Town Livability Demonstration Project: $348,400
Greater Wasatch - Envision Utah: $205,000
Utah-Colorado `Isolated Empire' Rail Connector Study: $871,000
Burlington: North Street revitalization project: $348,400
Arlington County: pedestrian, bicycle access and other transit improvements: $435,500
Phase II - Impact Assessment of the Virginia Railway Express Commuter Rail on Land Use Development Patterns in Northern Virginia" (Prince William, Fairfax, Arlington Counties): $150,441
Richmond: Main Street intermodal facility: $1,524,250
Balancing Transportation Concurrency and Growth Management: Developing effective short-term strategies to implement long range transportation and land use plans in Clark County: $380,000
Whatcom Chain of Trails (Whatcom County): $126,000
West Virginia
Putnam County: Route 35 management plan: $391,950
Green Bay: pedestrian improvements and livable communities projects: $653,250
Teton County Mapping for a Millennium: $342,805
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