Transportation Secretary LaHood Releases $3.5 Million to 13 States

FHWA 34-10
Contact: Doug Hecox
Tel: 202-366-0660
Small Projects Make Big Difference in Communities Across America
WASHINGTON–Thirteen states received $3.5 million in additional federal aid this week to help pay for 16 projects that will make driving, walking and biking easier in the communities receiving the grants, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced today.
The projects range from the construction of bike and pedestrian paths in Dekalb, Ill., Lakeland, Tenn., and Bonanza, Ore., to the installation of push-button pedestrian countdown features at crosswalks in Pinellas Park, Fla., and a bicycle route system throughout West Virginia.
"These projects will make a big difference to the people who live in these communities," said Secretary LaHood. "Putting in a bike path, making a crosswalk safer or improving the flow of traffic improves safety and gives people options for getting where they need to go."
Through the "Transportation, Community, and System Preservation" (TCSP) Program, local, state and Tribal governments may apply for federal assistance to support methods of increasing transportation efficiency, roadway improvements and research.
Since the program's creation in 1998, nearly $850 million in TCSP grants have been given to improve livability, reduce environmental impacts of transportation and improve the cost-effectiveness of infrastructure investment.
The TCSP Program is managed by the Federal Highway Administration, in conjunction with the Federal Transit Administration, the Federal Rail Administration, and the Research and Innovative Technology Administration within the U.S. Department of Transportation and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The grant recipients include:
State | Grant Recipient | Project | Award Amount |
California | California Department of Transportation | Bridge replacement, curve realignment and new traffic signals on Green Valley at North Shingle Road. | $333,062 |
Florida | Tampa | Construction of underpass at Brorein Street to extend the Tampa Riverwalk near the Hillsborough River. | $125,000 |
Florida | Pinellas Park | Installation of push-button pedestrian countdown features at crosswalks | $85,000 |
Illinois | Fairview | Construction of a bike path along the north side of Fairview Drive between SR 23 and Heritage Drive, and along SR 23 from Lucerne Lane and Fairview Drive. | $168,000 |
New York | Poughkeepsie | Creation of a transit-oriented development conceptual plan for the area around the Metro-North Railroad. | $95,000 |
Oregon | Bonanza | Construction of sidewalk improvements, traffic calming and speed reduction. | $350,000 |
Oregon | Eugene | Improvements to 12 traffic control systems on Franklin Boulevard, the key arterial corridor within the Eugene area. | $40,375 |
Pennsylvania | Elizabethtown | Upgrade of traffic signals for synchronization and left turn lanes. | $233,600 |
Rhode Island | Wakefield | Construction of an intermodal facility in historic downtown area. | $360,000 |
Tennessee | Lakeland | Reconstruction of Huff n' Puff Street, including the installation of bike lanes and pedestrian walkways. | $300,000 |
Texas | Dallas | Creation of a "Complete Street" design manual and develop corridor-specific conceptual street designs for 15 demonstration projects. | $400,000 |
Vermont | Essex Junction and Williston | Construction of a multi-use path linking pedestrian and bike paths between the two communities. | $240,000 |
Washington | Bellevue | Installation of traffic adaptive control technology at key intersections. | $360,000 |
Washington | Puyallup Tribe | Sidewalk replacement, ramps, landscaping and lighting to improve pedestrian safety. | $269,219 |
West Virginia | West Virginia Department of Transportation | Finalize system of designated bicycle routes. | $80,000 |
Wyoming | Cheyenne | Non-motorized transportation master plan for Cheyenne MPO. | $50,000 |
TOTAL | $3,489,256 |
For more information about the TCSP program, visit
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