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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Roadway Safety Awards Recognize Highway Programs in 13 States

Wednesday, November 19, 2003
U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Public Affairs, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590

Contact: Gary Strasburg, 202-366-0660
FHWA 33-03

Federal Highway Administrator Mary E. Peters today named 13 roadway safety projects in 13 states that received National Highway Safety Awards from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Roadway Safety Foundation (RSF). The awards recognized initiatives that save lives by improving roadway design, operations and overall planning.

Highway programs in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, New York, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Washington received awards. A regional traffic system in Kentucky and Indiana also received an award.

"Safety is one of the Bush administration's highest transportation priorities, and these awards underscore our commitment to safety," Peters said. "The winning projects are outstanding examples of the efforts of state and local transportation officials to improve highway safety."

The award winners included six state transportation departments, a regional transportation consortium, two counties, two cities and a state police agency. The winners were selected from over 130 entries. The 2003 award winners are:

  • The South Carolina Department of Transportation for its safety practices program. Four significant Interstate safety initiatives were undertaken to reduce fatal cross-over crashes: installation of 400 cable-barriers, speed limit reduction in urban areas, truck lane restrictions, and interchange ramp upgrades. Interstate fatalities were reduced by 30 percent, saving an estimated 148 lives in 3 years. For more information, contact Peter Poore at 803-737-1270.

  • The Oklahoma Department of Transportation's Wire Rope Safety Fence Program. This wire rope median barrier system program has prevented serious crossover collisions along a particularly dangerous section of Oklahoma City's Lake Hefner Parkway. Performance has been superior and less costly than concrete median barriers. For more information contact Teri Angier at or 405-521-6004.

  • The California Department of Transportation's Angeles Crest Highway (SR-2) Traffic Safety Corridor Project. The corridor project included a reduction of the speed limit, implementation of daytime headlight section, a double-fine zone and installation and upgrading of guardrail that has led to a marked reduction in accidents on this mountainous two-lane highway. For more information, contact Deborah Harris at 213-897-3800.

  • The Maine Department of Transportation used an anti-collision warning system installed at high-risk intersections on minor roads and streets. This collision warning system reduced the average number of crashes per year by two-thirds. For additional information contact Gerry Audibert, 207-624-3315 or

  • The New York State Department of Transportation's Latham Traffic Circle Improvement Program. Improvements at this busy traffic circle reduced accidents by 25 percent. Contact Peter Van Keuren at 518-388-0342.

  • The New York State Department of Transportation's Short Term Accident Reduction (STAR) Program. This program delivers needed safety improvements quickly and cost-effectively through a stand-by contractor and dedicated state funding. Call Peter Van Keuren at 518-388-0342.

  • The Iowa Department of Transportation's Iowa National Model for the Statewide Application of Data Collection and Management Technology to Improve Highway Safety Program. The focus of this program is improving data collection for roadway incidents, leveraging proven technology for law enforcement and streamlining communications. For more information, contact Mary Jensen, 515-237-3235.

  • TRIMARC is the regional traffic management system for the Louisville, Kentucky – Southern Indiana area. This program was recognized for the development and effective use of an innovative incident recording system that has led to a decrease in traffic incidents and safety improvements. Contact Mark Pfeiffer or Gail Tucker at 502-564-4890.

  • Montgomery County, Maryland's Design Standards for Pedestrian and Bicycle-Friendly, Environmentally Sensitive Roadways Program. Montgomery County has developed an innovative set of design standards for including sidewalks and off-road bike paths on residential streets and collector roads. These design standards are now available on the Internet at the DPWT/Engineering Services section on the County's website at: Contact Esther Bowring at 240-777-6513 or

  • Boulder County, Colorado's bike lane and shoulder initiative. An aggressive program of adding four-foot wide paved shoulders to Boulder County roads has resulted in a significant drop in bicycle and other vehicle accidents and increased safety for motorists and cyclists alike. For more information, contact James Burrus at 303-441-1622 or Larry Matel at 303-441-3900.

  • The Florida Highway Patrol's (FHP) Operation Hardhat Program. FHP has stationed state troopers in work zones to report traffic violations for immediate enforcement. Coupled with public information and education campaigns, this program has led to significant reductions in crashes, injuries and fatalities in construction work zones. For more information contact Maj. Grady Carrick, 904-695-4110, or Chief Jim Howell, 850-437-3139.

  • The City of Phoenix, Arizona's School Safety Program. An innovative effort to improve school safety and traffic control near 400 educational sites and over 1,700 school-related crosswalks. Contact Sina Matthes at 602-534-6648 or

  • The City of Bellevue, Washington's Accident Reduction Program. The program systematically evaluates accident trends at city intersections and corridors and then implements and designs cost-effective projects to rapidly improve safety. The program has led to a 10 percent reduction in traffic accidents and an estimated $1.4 million in cost savings per year. For more information, call Barbara Ramey at 425-452-4158 or Mark Poch, PE, at 425-452-6137.
