New FHWA Website Provides Link to Wildlife Protection

Contact: Lori Irving
Tel.: 202-366-0660
FHWA 27-00
The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has developed a web site that provides information on methods and techniques that can be used to help protect wildlife along highways.
"President Clinton and Vice President Gore are committed to protecting the environment," FHWA Administrator Kenneth R. Wykle said. "This new web site underscores the importance of enhancing and protecting the natural environment and reducing the effect of highways on wildlife - this is especially important as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of Earth Day."
About 4 million miles of public roads crisscross the United States. Wildlife experts say these roads affect animals in several ways: death and injury to animals that are struck by motor vehicles, loss of animal habitat and fragmentation of animal habitat. The new web site, called "Wildlife Crossings," describes some of the effects that transportation has on wildlife and ecosystems. It also highlights exemplary projects and processes around the country that help reduce those impacts.
The projects featured on the web site include bear underpasses, salamander tunnels and fish passage structures. These and other examples are described on the FHWA web site for Wildlife Crossings, which can be found at
Requests for printed copies should be sent to the Office of Natural Environment, HEPN-30, Room 3240, 400 7th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590. Email requests may be addressed to
The FHWA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Transportation with headquarters in Washington, D.C. It has 2,800 employees, a field office in every state, and an annual budget of more than $28 billion.