New FHWA, FTA Web Site Provides Link To Better Transportation for All

Contact: Karen Whitney
Tel.: 202-366-0660
FHWA 62-00
The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) have jointly developed a web site that provides information on the Departments mission to help assure environmental justice for low income and minority populations during transportation planning processes.
"President Clinton and Vice President Gore are committed to putting people first," U.S. Transportation Secretary Rodney E. Slater said. "This new web site puts people first by providing information and resources that can enhance public involvement in the planning process and provide minority and low-income populations with opportunities to address the quality and usefulness of transportation in their lives."
Environmental justice focuses on ensuring the full inclusion of minority and low-income populations in federal programs, policies or activities.
The web site offers a section of question and answers and a list of available training and resources. Soon, the site will also have sections with case studies and effective practices. The case studies will profile how various transportation agencies have integrated environmental justice considerations in their activities to improve transportation decision-making. The effective practices provide a guide a "how-to" manual for practitioners on how environmental justice can be integrated into all transportation programs, plans and activities.
FHWAs environmental justice web site is at