Nation's Top Highway Official Kicks Off I-279 Fort Duquesne Bridge Preservation Project in Pittsburgh

FHWA 24-09
Contact: Cathy St. Denis
Phone: 202-366-0660
Washington, DC -- Federal Highway Administrator Victor Mendez kicked off one of Pennsylvania's largest American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) projects today in Pittsburgh. At $26.2 million, the I-279 Fort Duquesne Bridge project is entirely funded by ARRA and is a vital transportation link for the region.
"The President's Recovery plan is putting people back to work in Pittsburgh and in cities and towns across America," Administrator Mendez said. "We're also rebuilding the transportation systems we depend on making them safer and more efficient."
The Recovery dollars will pay for preservation that will ensure the bridge stays in good condition for the 80,000 drivers that use it each day. Work will include improvements on 16 bridge and ramp structures and steel, concrete and deck repairs.
"The funding for this important work comes from the Recovery Act passed by Congress with my support and signed into law early this year. This effort is providing over a billion dollars for highway repairs in Pennsylvania. Over all, the Recovery Act is providing over $10 billion to Pennsylvania to help us get through the current recession. This funding will put millions of Americans back to work and promote economic growth in the coming years," Rep. Mike Doyle said.
"Pennsylvania is quickly processing the recovery contracts and the start of work on the Fort Duquesne renovations is a testament to the hard work of many people at PennDOT. We are helping to preserve a key transportation link in Pittsburgh while we inject much needed stimulus into the regional economy," Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Secretary Allen Biehler said.
Of the more than $26.5 billion in ARRA highway funds available nationwide, Pennsylvania's share is $1.02 billion. To date, the state has funded 232 projects totaling $822.6 million.
Additional information about ARRA can be found on the Federal Highway Administration's Web site, or at the White House site,
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