FHWA National Dialogue on Highway Automation in Chicago Focuses on Freight Operations

FHWA 21-18
Contact: Nancy Singer
Tel.: (202) 366-0660
CHICAGO, Ill. – On September 5-6, the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration will host the fourth in its series of national dialogue meetings on automated vehicles and their impacts on U.S. highways and freight movement.
“It’s important that we understand how automated vehicle technologies can help improve the way goods are moved and delivered, and hear from stakeholders about the safety and efficiency benefits they’ve seen,” said Deputy Federal Highway Administrator Brandye L. Hendrickson.
FHWA’s national dialogue meetings are being held in cities nationwide to engage a wide array of stakeholders from industry and the public sector in identifying key areas of interest related to automated vehicle technology.
The Chicago meeting will focus on roadway design and traffic management considerations needed for automated commercial motor vehicles and truck platoons. The impacts on freight traffic patterns will also be discussed.
FHWA has held three national dialogue meetings in Detroit, Philadelphia and Seattle, focused on the effect of automated vehicles on the country's infrastructure systems, planning and policy, and digital infrastructure. Two additional sessions will be held in Phoenix and Dallas to explore traffic operations and multimodal safety.
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