FHWA Celebrates African-American History Month Presents Former Deputy Administrator with Trailblazer Award

Contact: Karen Whitney
Tel.: 202-366-0660
FHWA 11-00
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) today celebrated African-American History Month by presenting its former deputy administrator Gloria J. Jeff a leadership award.
The presentation took place during a ceremony featuring a keynote address by Dr. Arthur Fletcher, chairman of the board of directors of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. The ceremony focused on the theme "Heritage and Horizons: The African-American Legacy and the Challenges of the 21st Century."
Jeff received the Garrett A. Morgan Association's fifth annual Trailblazer Award. Jeff, the first African-American and the second woman to serve as FHWA Deputy Administrator, was recognized for her outstanding leadership and commitment to mentoring employees and students.
"We are honored to have Dr. Fletcher join us as we celebrate the achievements and contributions of some of America's greatest heroes," FHWA Administrator Kenneth R. Wykle said. "It is also fitting that we mark this celebration by honoring our former deputy administrator, Gloria Jeff, for her tireless commitment to furthering excellence in transportation as a means of improving the quality of life for every American."
Members of Garrett Morgan's family were on hand for the presentation of the Trailblazer award which was developed by FHWA's Garrett A. Morgan Association (GAMA). The association is named in honor of Morgan, an African-American entrepreneur and son of slaves who invented the three-phased automated traffic signal and the safety hood, later known as the gas mask.
The ceremony also included an address from Cardozo High School senior Elizabeth Gorman. Ms. Gorman is enrolled in the Cardozo Transportation and Technology Academy and is currently an intern at the FHWA.
The Trailblazer Award is given each year by GAMA to a U.S. Department of Transportation employee who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the minority community and has worked to improve communication and cooperation between minority and non-minority employees.
GAMA, an employee organization of the FHWA, was founded in 1991 by African-American employees. The organization provides an open forum for all agency staff concerning careers, training and personal development to help further diversity within FHWA. Information about GAMA's mission, goals and activities can be found on the association's web site at https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/gama.