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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

FHWA Awards $1 Million To Minority Universities For Transportation Research

Tuesday, November 20, 2001
U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Public Affairs, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590

Contact: Karen Whitney
Telephone: 202-366-0660
FHWA 38-01

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) today announced that it has established $1 million in cost-sharing cooperative agreements with Minority Institutions of Higher Education (MIHEs) to conduct transportation research and technology activities.

"Research is key to improving highway safety, reducing environmental impacts and alleviating traffic congestion," FHWA Administrator Mary E. Peters said. "The cooperative agreements announced today reflect our ongoing commitment to more fully utilize the tremendous resources at our nation's renowned minority institutions to help us fulfill our research goals."

FHWA's competitive assistance program allows MIHEs to compete solely with one another for cooperative, cost-sharing agreements. The program's goal is to foster MIHE research and technology activities that will contribute substantially to the FHWA's mission and help prepare the faculty and students at these institutions to successfully participate in the competitive research arena.

The agreements matched the expertise and capabilities of 11 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) with FHWA's specific research needs. The list of 2001 recipients follows:


Project Title Recipient Amount
Construction of Pavement Subsurface Drainage Systems--Workshops Alabama A&M University $80,662
Emerging Transportation Issues Facing Central Cities and the Contributions of MIHE to Resolving Those Issues Clark Atlanta University $93,936
Transportation Options for Brownfield Redevelopment Clark Atlanta University $62,219
Effectiveness, Criteria, and Guidelines of Triple Left Turn Lanes Florida A & M University $62,500
Safety First: A campaign to Protect Students from Premature Death Caused by Environmental and Behavior Factors; Safety Challenges on a Rural Road Langston University $62,500
Effect of Proximity to a Highway on Real Property Value Morgan State University $75,129
Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Shear Distribution for Bridges New Mexico State University $68,752
Enhancing Rutting Performance of Flexible Pavements Southern University $46,827
Pavement Smoothness Strategies Texas Southern University $56,250
Synthesis Report on Changeable Message Signs That Depict Symbols and Words Texas Southern University $62,500
Identify Pedestrian Crash Types and Associated Safety Engineering Countermeasures in American Indian Tribal Areas University of New Mexico $62,543
Identify Pedestrian Crash Types and Associated Safety Engineering Countermeasures in Rural States University of New Mexico $62,500
Safety Consequences of Paving Gravel Roads University of New Mexico $100,000
Professional Development and Training in a Complex Cultural Milieu University of New Mexico $9,375
Synthesis Report on Locations of Driving Simulators used to Test the Perception of Traffic Control Devices University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez $23,997
Application of Damage Mechanics to Assessment of Concrete Deterioration University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez $51,616
Evaluation of State Highway Agency Adoption of Practices for Utilizing SUPERPAVE Asphalt Materials and Mix Design University of Texas El Paso $68,396

