Federal Highway Official Helps Break Ground on Denver's I-70/Central Park Boulevard Interchange

FHWA 45-10
Contact: Doug Hecox
Tel: 202-366-0660
Mendez on hand for ARRA project to help 'sustainable' community
DENVER- Federal Highway Deputy Administrator Greg Nadeau joined state and local officials today to break ground on Denver's I-70/Central Park Boulevard Interchange, partially funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
"Projects like the I-70 Central Park Boulevard Interchange are making significant contributions all across America," said U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. "The Recovery Act is creating jobs, improving our transportation infrastructure and helping families spend more time together and less on the road."
The $50 million project near Stapleton relies on $12 million from the Recovery Act. The remainder of the project will be funded by $30 million from The Better Denver Bond Program and other federal sources.
As the state's largest highway Recovery Act investment, the Central Park Boulevard Interchange, includes a new bridge that crosses I-70 and will provide direct access between the growing Stapleton area and major interstates I-70 and I-270. A 12-foot sidewalk on both sides across the interchange, well-lighted pedestrian walkways across the bridge, and specially designed ramp intersections at both ends will improve safety for both pedestrians and cyclists.
"The Stapleton community will be well-served by this new interchange," said Deputy Administrator Nadeau. "The project is creating well-paying jobs for area workers, building safe multi-use paths for walkers and cyclists and, by reducing travel distance, giving time back to residents and commuters."
When completed, the new Central Park Boulevard Interchange is expected to serve up to 18,000 daily drivers - a figure which is expected to nearly double by 2035. Currently, an estimated 228,000 daily drivers rely on I-70, a figure which is estimated to climb to 330,000 over the same period.
Of the more than $26.6 billion in ARRA highway funds available nationwide, Colorado received more than $385 million. As of September 3, the state had obligated 113 projects, with 67 currently under way and 34 completed.
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