Federal Highway Administration San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Statement

Contact: Nancy Singer
(202) 366-0660
FHWA 11-05
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has determined that foundations in the Skyway structure of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge meet or exceed required specifications.
FHWA and outside welding experts commissioned by FHWA conducted a series of studies to evaluate the quality of the Skyway's foundation welds. Results of those studies found welds that are larger and stronger than contract requirements, providing additional structural capacity, and concluded that an extensive quality control process verified that materials and workmanship used during construction met contract standards.
The studies follow a May 2005 inspection that found a sample of welds on Pier 4 likewise met or exceeded required specifications.
While this concludes the FHWA structural review of defective welding allegations, FHWA continues working with Caltrans, the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Transportation's Inspector General to ensure public safety and the structural integrity of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.
Note: The reports are available on the FHWA web site: www.fhwa.dot.gov/reports/irsfobb/.