Federal Highway Administration Provides $1.1 Million To Help Georgia Reduce Congestion

FHWA 01-06e
Contact: Nancy Singer
Phone: 202-366-0660
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) today provided more than $1.1 million in federal grant funds to help Georgia explore new ways to reduce congestion through projects like the study of toll pricing on GA-400 in Atlanta.
The grants are part of the FHWA Value Pricing Pilot Program to fund testing and evaluation of innovative ways to reduce traffic congestion.
Among the projects in Georgia that will receive grants is a study on how to move from fixed tolling to a system that varies toll fees based on traffic levels using GA-400 as a case study.
The landmark highway, transit and safety legislation signed in August by President Bush gives states more flexibility to use tolling, high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes and other congestion solutions to offer drivers more choices for a reliable trip. With HOT lanes, low-occupancy vehicles are charged a toll while high-occupancy vehicles may use the lane at no charge or at a discounted rate.
"The Bush Administration championed tolling in the new transportation law so states would have more tools to tackle congestion and give drivers more choices when getting to work or home" said Acting Federal Highway Administrator J. Richard Capka.
In addition to keeping lanes free flowing, tolling generates revenue for transportation improvements and expansion, according to Capka.
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FY '05 Value Pricing Pilot Program Grants
State |
Locality |
Project |
Grant |
California | Alameda County | I-680 SMART Carpool Lane in Alameda County | $950,000 |
California | San Francisco | Area Road Charging and Parking Pricing | $1,040,000 |
California | San Diego | Violation Enforcement System on I-15 HOT Lanes | $568,678 |
Georgia | Atlanta | I-75 South Feasibility of HOT/Truck-Only Toll (TOT) Implementation | $242,388 |
Virginia | Washington, DC | Regional Network of Value Priced Lanes | $240,000 |
Washington | Seattle | State Route 167 HOT Lane Pilot | $880,000 |
California | Orange County | Implementation of Dynamic Pricing on SR 91 | $588,000 |
Georgia | Savannah | Northwest Truck Tollway | $472,000 |
Texas | Austin | Loop 1 HOT Lane Enforcement and Operations | $172,000 |
Texas | Austin | Deliberative Polling -Loop 1 Corridor | $160,000 |
Texas | San Antonio | IH-10 Value Priced Express Lanes | $129,600 |
Texas | Waco | I-35 Value Priced Express Lanes | $440,000 |
Florida | Lee County | Expansion of Value Pricing to the Sanibel Bridge and Causeway | $200,000 |
Georgia | Atlanta | GA-400 Variable Pricing Institutional Study | $444,000 |
Texas | Austin | Truck Traffic Diversion Using Variable Tolls | $148,000 |
Washington | Seattle | Global Positioning System (GPS) Based Pricing Pilot Program | $600,000 |
Total | $7,274,666 |