Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Announces Availability of $8.9 Million for Tribal Transportation Grants

DOT 93-16
Contact: Doug Hecox
Tel.: (202) 366-0660
A Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) that appeared in the Federal Register this week announced the availability of $8.9 million in competitive grants from the Tribal Transportation Program Safety Funds program. The FHWA plans to conduct outreach regarding the TTPSF in the form of a Webinar on August 3, 2016 at 2:00 p.m., ET. To join the Webinar, please click this link then enter the room as a guest: https://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/tribaltrans/. Since last July, FHWA has awarded $8.5 million to 71 tribes for 91 projects, including development of safety plans, to prevent and reduce deaths and serious injuries, in transportation-related crashes on tribal lands. Applications and guidelines can be found online at https://flh.fhwa.dot.gov/programs/ttp/safety/ttpsf.htm or at www.grants.gov. Complete proposals must be received by 11:59 PM EDT on Sept. 16, 2016, or 60 days after the Federal Register notice.
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