DOT Provides $2.5 Million to South Carolina To Repair Hurricane-Damaged Roads

Contact: Jim Pinkelman
Telephone: 202-366-0660
FHWA 7-00
U.S. Secretary of Transportation Rodney E. Slater today announced that South Carolina will receive $2.5 million in emergency relief funds to repair federal-aid roads that were damaged on Sept. 15, 1999 as a result of Hurricane Floyd.
"President Clinton and Vice President Gore recognize the damage that South Carolina has suffered because of the hurricane, and these funds will help repair it," Secretary Slater said. "We are particularly concerned about the damage caused to the transportation systems because transportation is vital to people's daily lives and to the state's economy."
The $2.5 million, which comes from the department's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), was provided in response to the state's request for help to repair federal-aid roads. The funding will permit emergency relief funds to be used for work necessary to repair damage to roads caused by Hurricane Floyd and associated flooding in the northeastern part of the state.
FHWA money is awarded after the President or the governor issues a formal emergency proclamation and the state has filed a preliminary damage assessment for its highways and bridges on the federal-aid system. The funds reimburse the state for emergency work that is already completed and provide for other necessary repairs to correct major or unusual damage to federal-aid highways.
Eligible repair work includes reconstructing damaged bridges and pavement surfaces, establishing detours, removing slides and debris, and replacing signs, lighting and guardrails.