Virginia Projects
Project Number: | Project Name | Location: |
GWMP MVT (4) | Mount Vernon Trail Bridges 31 and 32 Rehabilitation | Arlington County, Virginia |
VA_ST_DSCR_STRTHMR | U.S. Defense Supply Center – Richmond Virginia | Chesterfield County, VA |
VA_ST_CP_GNRL_BTH | State Military Reservation - General Booth Boulevard | City of Virginia Beach |
VA_ST_FB_KNGMN_ GT | Fort Belvoir – Kingman Gate | Fairfax County, VA |
VA_ST_FB_WLKR_ GT | Fort Belvoir – Walker Gate | Fairfax County, VA |
VA ST FL_MHN_GT | Fort Gregg Adams Sustainment Gate | Prince George County, VA |
VA ST FP MG750TRX | Fort Barfoot, Route 750 (Military Rd) & Tank and Railroad crossings on Route 40 | Nottoway County, VA |
VA_ST_JBMHH_HTFLD_GT | Joint Base Myers Henderson Hall Hatfield, Gate Project | Arlington County, VA |
Project Number: | Project Name | Location: |
VA FLAP NPNWS 105(1) | Fort Eustis Boulevard (Route 105) over Newport News (Lee Hall) Reservoir Bridge Replacement | Newport News, VA |
GWMP MVT (5) | Mount Vernon Trail Bridges 23 and 24 Replacements | Fairfax County, Virginia |
VA ST ANC(1) | Arlington National Cemetery Defense Access Roads (DAR) Project | Arlington County |
NP-BLRI 1L9, 1M22 | Reconstruct and Rehabilitate 1L &1M (23.8 miles) | Bedford, Botetourt, and Roanoke Counties |
Project Number: | Project Name | Location: |
VA ST Lee Ave Gate | Lee Avenue at Virginia Route 36 Improvements | Prince George County, Virginia |